The center is jointly funded by Xinhua and nine other leading upstream and downstream oil and gas companies, including PetroChina, Sinopec, and CNOOC. It aims to become a platform for trading, information and financing in the oil and gas sector with international influence. Its business scope includes spot trading of natural gas, unconventional natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, oil and other energy products. It also offers news, IT support, facilities and infrastructure to facilitate trading.
The center is established by Xinhua, People's Government of Shandong Province, and People's Government of Qingdao Municipality. It’s a high-end platform that collects, processes and releases marine information to serve the marine economic development in China. Its key offers include the Ocean International Summit Forum, the Blue Economy Database, the China Blue Network, the Blue Information Journal, and the Ocean Development Index.
The firm is a wholly owned subsidiary of CEIS dedicated to product and services in the field of big data. Its outstanding IT team offers the China Public Opinion Network, the Database, the Xinhua Public Opinion Monitoring and Analysis Platform, and the New Media Service Platform.
The exchange a professional trading intermediary under CEIS, and the first company type exchange in the field of global financial information trading. The exchange aims to be a trading center for financial information and cultural industries with a most complete range of products and global influence.